We share a healthy disregard for the impossible at our office in Copenhagen

360° around CopenhagenConcept






Innovation &

What we do

Our culture

We are moved by ideas, and the people who believe in them passionately. We invest a lot of ourselves in CopenhagenConcept and for many of us it is more about creating that blueprint that drive change, rather than achieving yet another economic milestone. That is why we say we are a value-driven company.

We also have the pleasure of working globally. We work against marginalization of competent foreign workforce and encourage globalization, diversity and multi ethnicity, locally, globally and foremost in our own collaborative network.

Most importantly we have a lot of great fun!

The history of CopenhagenConcept

CopenhagenConcept was founded in 2010 on an idea to kickstart brand new businesses based on cutting edge innovative and digital knowledge. Today we are a dedicated team of Danish and Indian competencies that facilitates digital innovation and works passionately with entrepreneurship. CopenhagenConcept is still owned by the founding partners but has had the privilege of inviting several new talents into the partner circle.

We proudly believe in

1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
4. Responding to change over following a plan